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What Is Creativity?

Writer: Greg MurrayGreg Murray

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

Cre-a-tiv-i-ty /ˌkrēāˈ tivədē/

Creativity greatly impacts our conversations, relationships, and our jobs. In fact a 2010 IBM study with over 1500 global CEOs found creativity to be “the single most important trait for navigating through the complexity” of business in a global market. So whether your goal is to build thriving friendships, a rewarding personal life, or a fulfilling career, an expansion of creativity can have a profoundly positive impact.


“The use of imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work”. Yet creativity is not bound to only artistic works. Akin to words such as innovation, imagination, and inventiveness - creativity is linked to your problem solving ability, production of original ideas, and connecting different realms of information and concepts. Each of us utilizes our creativity to varying degrees in our personal, professional, and relational lives.

Creativity actually grows as information connects and crosses over to these further regions of your brain. The differing levels of creativity you and your colleagues experience are relative to the freedom of thoughts bouncing from one seemingly unrelated region of the brain to another. Luckily, *many psychological studies have shown, creativity is a mental muscle humans can develop through subtle shifts in your day-to-day experience and at any age.

"Why should I care about Creativity?

Intellect and creativity have a curious crossroads. Intellect raises your creativity to a certain threshold and once beyond this threshold we see that “intelligence has little correlation with creativity”. To clarify, your intellect can be described as an ability to understand and retain information. Whereas *“creative thinking provides the flexibility necessary for the original production of ideas”.

For example, the innovation that gave birth to the original iPhone would have required an immense amount of creativity. Whereas, the yearly iPhone upgrades require some level innovation but focus far more on development previously original ideas.

Creativity can be taught, practiced, and even has mental health benefits!

A few subtle shifts in your normal routine can grow your creative mind seamlessly. From taking a new route home, trying new words in a conversation, ordering a different meal, going a location you’ve never been to, utilizing a new word, or even allowing yourself to feel and experience life deeply! The possibilities for growth are endless! So what's holding you back?

We hope your life after reading this blog bursts with even greater color and possibility! If anything here has been impactful for you, we want to know! Message us on instagram (@humancreativecoaching)!

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Human Creative Coaching, A Life Coaching Practice and Mental Health Movement

*Miller, D. L. (2015). Cultivating Creativity. The English Journal, 104(6), 25–30.


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